The Reiksguard Guild
The Reiksguard Knights form the bodyguard of the Emperor. The Order
was founded during the reign of Wilhelm, the first Emperor of the lineage
of the Princes of Altdorf. Devout Templars of Sigmar, Reiksguard Knights
swear to give their lives to protect the Emperor, who is the living
incarnation of Sigmar. Their Grand Master Kurt Helborg, is the
Reiksmarshall of the Empire, commander of all the Empire forces, second
only to the Emperor himself.
Scribed By the Great Sir Castegier
Current Members
- Sir Decklan, Reiksmarshall
- Sir Duloc, Blood Drinker
- Sir Thorgrim
- Sir Sheafer
- Sir Kaster
- Sir Zimis
- Sir Dewar
- Sir Anthonie
Guild Commands
All Members
guilddeposit (ammount of gold)"Can be done in guild locker room"
guildtithe (ammount 1-75)"Is the only way to gain guild levels"
guildlocker (items name)"guildlockers an item, only gls and gms can get it out though"
guildrank"shows a list of members guildlevels"
gs"shows guildtithe total, Treasurey total and gm's and gl's"
gwho"shows members online"
guildluck"shows what guild currently has luck"
guildtitles"lists titles for your guild"
gshout"a shout that only guild members can hear"
guildvote "to few vote", guildvote (number) "to vote"
Guild Master Commands
guildprefix (player) (title)"gives a guild prefix (before name )
guildsuffix (player) (title)"gives a guild suffix (after name )
guildbuyluck (ammount)"buys or reduces guildluck"
gwho"gives hp, location, tithe to gms and gls"
gline (number) (text)"used to post guild notices"
guild unlocker (item)"unlockers an item in guildlocker"
guildwithdraw (ammount)"takes money from guild treasury"
guildlog"shows whos been buying luck in the world"
guildquestion (line) (text)"sets guildquest"
guildanswer (line) (text)"gives the answers/options"
guildquestionoff"turns voting off"
guildsummon (player)"summons guildmember to you, only when in main hall"
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